The Old Jæren Railway
A unique trip on foot or by bike, with good fishing spots by…
Egersund Golfklubb sin golfbane ligger i vakker typisk Dalane-natur med lynghei og små nakne fjell på Maurholen ved Hellvik, cirka 10 km nord for Egersund. Følg Fv44
It is a 9-hole course, par 35/70
Banen har 3 teesteder per hull:
White: Length 2622/5244 m (9/18 holes)
Yellow: Length 2477/4954 m (9/18 holes)
Red: Length 2301/4602 m (9/18 holes)
White/Red* Length 4923 m (18 holes)
*The course is also sloped to play 9 holes on white tees, and 9 holes on red tees
On the driving range, we have 8 booths under a roof, and 6 booths without a roof.
Putting green.
Chipping green og treningssandbunker
3-hole chip and putt training course
Active, Egersund, Outdoor activities
See more experiences in Magma Geopark