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Foto: Løyning Gård

Løyning Farm

With a love for local and short-traveled food.

Mat & drikke er det viktigste av absolutt alt, og sånn har det vært siden vi mennesker startet vårt liv på kloden. Den gangen måtte vi finne all vår næring i naturen vi var omgitt av, lokalt.
The gratitude and respect that we humans once had for the local nature, and for the food and drink that it gave us, we must find back.

«Lokalmat» lokal mat & drikke. Lokalmat er «herfra» og opplevelsen av «herfra» er forankret i tradisjoner, identitet og lokal matkultur.
Local food is not only about local food culture and history, it is also about local value creation, sustainability, climate and environment. In that perspective, it is essential that Lokalmat is short-traveled and sold and consumed locally.

On Eigerøy we find Løyning Gård, a local producer of Cattle, wild sheep and free range pigs, common sheep. The animals graze on normal pasture and coastal heather on the coast at Eigerøy.

Farm shop

The farm shop is open 08-22 every day.
The shop sells local food from its own production and from other local producers.
Eggs, cheese, jam, honey, cakes, meat, sausages and burgers are just some of what Løyning Gård has in the farm shop.

Photo gallery

Besøk Løyning Gård, Egersund

Løyning Farm
Løyningsveien 103
4374 Egersund

Telephone: 976 84 560

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