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Foto: Elisabeth Støylen/ Magma Geopark

Auglend, Vandringshavn and Brønnesodden

Farthest south on Eigerøy lies the idyllic Auglend with its Vandringshavn (Vanderers harbour). From there, the path leads out onto Brønnesodden, the farthest point into the North Sea.

Auglend ble i 1995 kåret til årets Friluftsområde i Norge. Den gamle gården Auglend med Vandringshavn er et flott kulturhistorisk område. Auglend var et typisk kombinasjonsbruk,  det vil si en gård som kombinerte jordbruk og fiske. Vandringshavn er en idyllisk liten naturhavn med naust og brygge og gode muligheter for å nyte medbrakt mat eller fiske etter krabbe sammen med ungene.

The path out to majestic Brønnesodden passes through the characteristic lunar landscape in Magma Geopark dominated by the rock anorthosite - the same rock that makes up the bright areas of the moon.

On the way out to Brønnesodden, you pass Løvebukten - named after the war frigate "Den Norske Løve" which was wrecked in the area in 1666. Brønnesodden juts straight out into the North Sea like a narrow tongue. In few places can you experience sea and light in the same way. Mountains and rock formations form a fantastic playground for both adults and children. Here you can climb and jump. The fishing opportunities are good when the weather is good and on a good weather day, nothing compares to a dip here right by the sea.

Geology and nature

De nakne, runde bergene består av bergarten anortositt. Dette er en grovkornet grå stein som består nesten helt av et enkelt mineral (kalt plagioklas feltspat). Dalene er fruktbare fordi de ble fylt med morene og sedimenter fra isbreen ved slutten av siste istid.

Culture and history

This recreation area is located on the island of Eigerøy and offers fantastic opportunities for walks along the coast, paddling, fishing, swimming and barbecuing. You can find traces of fishing activity here that go back several hundred years. Traces of settlements from several thousand years ago have also been discovered in Grønebukta.

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