Vinjakula – Storslått panoramautsikt

Majestiske Vinjakula er den høyeste toppen i Magma Geopark med sine 907 moh og byr på storslått panoramautsikt i et spennende og vilt gneislandskap nord-øst i Bjerkreim på grensen mot Gjesdal.

You can climb Vinjakula both from Veen Gard and from Maudal. Be prepared for a rather demanding trip with some climbing up to the top. The reward is a fantastic view and the delicious feeling of having conquered a mountain. For more information, click here (

Geology and nature

Vinjakula ligger i et område av Magma Geopark som er dominert av bergarten gneis.

Gneiss is a very old rock and when you get to the top, this old rock is clearly visible. The gneiss here has a striped appearance - called foliation. The gneiss was originally granite that was exposed to extreme pressure and transformed through this.

Hvis du starter turen fra Veen, er du på en frodig endemorene som består av løsmasser som ble liggende igjen etter at innlandsisen smeltet for ca. 12.000 år siden. Les mer om geologien her.

Cultural history

At Maudal you will find animal graves which are believed to originate from the first people who settled on Eigerøy outside Egersund about 10,000 years ago. In the summer, these Stone Age people followed the waterways inland until they met the glacier. Here it was possible to hunt reindeer.

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