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Geological terms and expressions

Here you will find the explanation of key concepts within geology.


Den parallelle lagdelingen i bergarter som oppstår på grunn av trykk og varme, og kan ofte sees som striper eller bånd i bergarten. Man kan for eksempel se foliasjon i gneis.

Plate tectonics

The Earth's crust is divided into plates that move relative to each other due to magma in the mantle. These movements are the concept behind plate tectonics, and create many of Earth's geological phenomena, such as mountain ranges, earthquakes and volcanoes.

Layered intrusion

En stor magmatisk formasjon med lag av ulik sammensetning som kan variere i både tykkelse og mineralinnhold. Den dannes når magma (flytende stein) strømmer opp fra jordens indre og trenger seg inn i eksisterende bergarter. Mineralene i magmaen krystalliserer seg ved ulike temperaturer, og synker etter hvert til bunns, som fører til en lagdelt organisering av mineraler. Resultatet sees som en lagdelt intrusjon.

Basalt corridors

Vertical or nearly vertical cracks in the earth's crust that fill with basaltic magma. They are formed when magma from the Earth's interior penetrates these cracks in the overlying rocks and solidifies.

Scouring stripes

Parallel stripes seen on the surface of the rock. They occur when rocks and gravel frozen at the base of a moving glacier scrape and scratch the bedrock beneath the glacier. The stripes indicate the direction in which the glacier moved!


Deep, even holes or pits in the bedrock that are often round in shape. They are formed when meltwater from glaciers flows strongly and swirls around with stones and gravel. The stones act as a kind of drilling machine that grinds down the bedrock, and over time the characteristic potholes are created.


Natural process where rock and loose materials on the earth's surface are worn down and transported further by wind, water, ice and other natural forces. Erosion is happening all around us all the time!

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