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i flekkefjord

  • Fjellparkfestivalen

    Fjellparkfestivalen is Norway's longest-running and most atmospheric music festival.
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  • The salmon festival

    Laksefestivalen arrangeres siste helga i juni, hvert år. Her blir det massevis av underholdning, arrangementer og lekker sjømat.
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  • Flekkefjordbanen

    Welcome to rail biking on the old Flekkefjord Line. A unique experience for the whole family, group of friends, or team-building with colleagues.
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  • Green week

    Under Grønn uke presenterer byens restauranter en spennende og nydelig «grønn meny», som kan nytes med venner, kollegaer og familie. Denne uka er det spesielt fokus på alt økologisk, rent,…
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  • Gyland Grand Prix

    The horse race in Gyland is held every year, on the first Saturday in August. The organizers are Gyland Hestesportlag and Gyland sports team.
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  • HalloVenn / HalloFlekkefjord

    HalloFlekkefjord – den store vennefesten. Her inviteres hele familien til Elvegata og Fisketorget til et flott alternativ til tradisjonell Halloween-feiring.
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  • Jul i Smaabyen

    Christmas in Flekkefjord is like experiencing Christmas the old-fashioned way, with a little extra light in the dark! Here, the focus is on the near and dear, the cozy and local.
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  • Kirkehamn

    Kirkehamn is named after the large white church (1854), which dominates the sheltered harbour on the Hidra
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  • Krambua Flekkefjord

    Den gamle nyrennoverte Krambua fra 1828 og del av Flekkefjord museum og huser en koselig liten café.
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  • Li farm

    At Li farm you can experience southern coastal culture and stay in the farmhouse on an old farm.
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  • Environment Day

    Denne dagen fokuseres det på hvordan vi ALLE kan bidra for å ta vare på natur og klima, og hva vi kan gjøre for å få en mer miljøvennlig hverdag
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  • Easter in Flekkefjord

    All Easter long, the Flekkefjordbanen runs dressage cycling from beautiful Flikkeid to beautiful Bakkekleivi.
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  • Sirafestivalen

    Sirafestivalen er en danseband-festival som arrangeres siste helga i mai hvert år. Her samles tusenvis av danseband- og musikkinteresserte med bobil og campingvogn.
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  • Smaabyfestivalen

    The Smaaby Festival is held in the first week of June each year. Here, Flekkefjord gets to show off from its very best side, in full summer gear!
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  • SmaabyMAT

    SmaabyMAT går av stabelen den første uka i februar og gir deg en mulighet til å sikre deg lekre retter til en billig penge, eller teste ut et nytt spisested.
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  • Hollenderbyen and Flekkefjord

    Experience Hollenderbyen and the center of Flekkefjord with small and slightly larger wooden houses close together in narrow cobblestone streets. See the fascinating history from the 16th to the 18th century with large posters of interesting…
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  • Star mile

    Her kan du delta i et ellevilt løp gjennom harde motbakker og koselige bygater. Noe som vil skape gode minner, enten du deltar alene, med venner, familie eller kollegaer.
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Book your experience

Some experiences must be booked in advance. Here is a list of the most experiences in the Magma Geopark, which can be pre-booked.

What happens in Magma Geopark?