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Photo: Magma Geopark


Settlements from the Iron Age in Bjerkreim. Medium trip, 3 hours

Geology and nature

Solbjørgnipa is near the bottom of the layered Bjerkreim-Sokndal intrusion. The gneisses of which these mountains are composed are very resistant and form a high landscape, including the mountain peak Solbjørgnipa. These gneisses are more than a billion years old and were formed at the base of an ancient mountain range that has eroded away long ago.

Culture and history

At Solbjørgnipa you will find the remains of farm buildings, burial grounds and traps. These remains are considered some of the most valuable finds from the Iron Age in Rogaland, and are dated to AD 200-550. Here you can find information about typical family life and the cultural habits for both life and death. The farm buildings at Bue can be considered a typical example of an Iron Age farm, although the size of the site is impressive. In addition to several large round mounds, the rectangular mound represents an unusual burial site. The somewhat disturbed short end of the rectangular garden reveals how it was built using an even row of stones placed on their sides. The long hill is constructed as a ridge extending from the plateau with access from the north and must have required a lot of work.

The remains of a house are visible as low, slightly uneven stone rows directly behind the rectangular elevation. The houses were used by both people and animals, and the remains of stone walls down the field indicate that animals were led through adjacent fields to a grazing area further south.

I skråning opp fra Kløgetvedt er det to feller som ligger plassert ideelt i forhold til terrenget. De ligger i en bratt skråning like over toppen, ved en bred gresskledd bakke. Den største fellen er godt bevart med steiner som er synlige langs kanten, mens den minste har kollapset. Arkeologiske utgravninger i Setesdal viser at fem av seks daterte dyrefeller ble bygget i jernalderen og i tidlig middelalder. Fangstdyr anses å ha vært en supplerende matkilde for landbruksbaserte samfunn.

How to get there?

Follow the sign to Kløgetvedtunet from the E39. Parking 300 meters east of Kløgetvedtunet.
Accessibility: Moderately challenging hike. Marked trails.
Duration: 3 hours

Show consideration:
Parks in the parking lot, and show respect for the private land.
Pay attention to the animals along the route.
Remember to close gates behind you.
Dogs must be on a leash.
Leave only footprints!

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