Magma Geopark AS
Sandakergaten 5
4370 Egersund
+47 51225505
Contact persons in Magma Geopark

Ann Michelle van Achterberg
Geologist/Geovite - communication and teaching
Tel: 950 44 317
Sandakergaten 5
4370 Egersund
+47 51225505
Geologist/Geovite - communication and teaching
Tel: 950 44 317
The images in our database can be freely used for editorial coverage in the marketing of the municipalities in Magma Geopark as destinations.
The images in our database can be freely used for editorial coverage in the marketing of the municipalities in Magma Geopark as destinations.
The images should be used to promote the region as a whole and our local businesses. It is strictly forbidden to use uploaded content as a sales product or sell images.
The images may not be sold or otherwise passed on to third parties without Magma Geopark's permission. Violation of these guidelines will be reported.
Tools for partners in Magma Geopark.
Monthly reports are published here that take the temperature of the work.
There are 46 sites in the Magma geopark that you can explore