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Historic places

i eigersund

  • Ankerhus and Koldal Mines

    The remains of Ankerhus mines just outside Egersund provide an exciting insight into our early mining history.
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  • Village fortification, Borgaråsen

    In this old defense there are remains of stone walls that are dated to around the year 0. The fort at Borgaråsen was probably in use up to and including the Viking Age
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  • Dalane Folkemuseum, Egersund

    Seasonally open folk museum. Magistrate Feyer's old country house with main building, farm manager's residence and carriage shed from the 1850s at Slettebø just outside Egersund.
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  • The wooden house town Egersund

    The town of Egersund has one of the best-preserved wooden house districts in Norway. A large part of the urban area is now designated as a heritage conservation area.
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  • Egersund Church

    I sentrum av byen, vendt mot sjøen, troner vakre Egersund kirke. Hit har folk kommet med båt, hest, til fots eller på andre måter for å feire gudstjenester og livets…
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  • Eigerøy lighthouse keeper's residence

    A trip to Eigerøy lighthouse and accommodation in a lighthouse keeper's accommodation is perfect for those who want to enjoy nature in peace and quiet.
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  • Walking tour in Egersund

    Bli kjent med Egersundshistorie, lokaliteter og interessante fakta om byen. Visste du hvorfor det er så mange fargerike hus i Okka by? Eller at vi har spennende koblinger til bl.a.…
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  • Guided tour in Egersund Church

    We welcome you to an exciting and interesting walk in this oldest and beautiful signal building in the heart of Egersund!
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  • Cultural trail in Egersund

    Welcome to a walk through Egersund's historic districts! The culture trail is suitable for anyone who wants a pleasant stroll while getting to know the center of Egersund a little better
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  • Maurholen Station, Eigersund

    Along the old Jærbanen hiking trail, you will find Maurholen Station. Today, the venue is rented out for accommodation or private events.
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  • Mysinghålå

    Year-round tourist destination and war memorial. Mysinghålå was a refuge for resistance fighters during the Second World War, used by the resistance group Vestige IV and others fleeing the occupying power, where sabotage and…
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  • Terland Klopp

    This 60-metre long stone bridge is the Nordic region's largest and best preserved of its kind. With its 21 light openings with stone slabs above, it is an impressive sight.
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  • Vibberodden lighthouse, Egersund

    Vibberodden lighthouse is located on an islet and is the approach lighthouse to Egersund in Søra Sundet - just 15 minutes by boat from the city centre. The lighthouse can be rented for activities or accommodation.
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Book your experience

Some experiences must be booked in advance. Here is a list of the most experiences in the Magma Geopark, which can be pre-booked.

What happens in Magma Geopark?