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Photo: Arnt Olav Klippenberg

Stoplesteinane and St. Olavsvei

Stoplesteinane was erected in the Iron Age and consists of 16 standing stones in a circle.

Culture and history

Stoplesteinane is a stone circle located at the top of Skårabrekkå, which belongs to Årstad farm. The name is probably related to the Old Norse language, and refers to staves or stacks.

Stoplesteinane consists of 16 standing stones in a circle with a diameter of approximately 21 metres. The highest stones rise about 1.2 metres above the ground. According to legend, Stoplesteinane dates back to the Viking Age, i.e. the period 800-1000 AD. However, studies of similar stone formations in Norway and Northern Europe show that these may be graves from the end of the Bronze Age to the end of the Old Iron Age, i.e. between 500 BC and 600 AD. The purpose of, and more precise information about, these settlements still remains a mystery.
"Den indre ridevei" or "St. Olavsveien" which runs between Egersund and Sokndal passes by Stoplesteinane.

According to the legend, Olav the Holy sailed from the north to avoid his enemies at Egersund. He therefore sailed his ship over land and split the rock with his keel.

According to the legend, he came sailing in from the sea right on Eigerøy at Kompåsen, where the schooner put her nose high in the air and then ducked down and went across the strait. Then the boat went up Kveldskaret and down across Årstaddalen, then up Skårabrekka and to Skåra. From there he set a course due south-east, up and down at a furious speed. On both sides of the valley one can still see some large round mounds, which are solidified waves from his journey.


How to get there?

Parking: From Egersund, follow RV 44 towards Hauge in Dalane. Drive past Bohus (shopping centre) and take the next exit on the left side of the road. Head north and follow the gravel road up the hill. Go through the gate and follow the natural path up to Stoplesteinane.
Accessibility: Easy but steep walk to Stoplesteinane.
Duration: approx. 20 minutes

Show consideration:
Parks in the parking lot, and show respect for the private land.
Pay attention to the animals along the route.
Remember to close gates behind you.
Dogs must be on a leash.
Leave only footprints!

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