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Destination: Hidra

Photo: Eva Pettersen Andreassen

Photo: Fortuna Media

Photo: Eva Pettersen Andreassen

Sørlandsperla Hidra

Idyllic Southern Norway charm amidst Western Norwegian nature. With vibrant coastal culture and unique hospitality, we welcome everyone to our island.

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See and do at Hidra

Captivating coastal culture and dramatic tales. A multitude of hidden treasures both on land and in the water. A sea of unique experiences surrounded by stunning nature. And importantly – a welcoming, open, and warm local community that enriches the depth and genuine feeling you are about to discover.

The gray goose - Hidra

Small cabins, Hågåsen

Kultursti Hågåsen, Hidra

Utsyn, Hidra

Konghamn Guest House, Hidra

What's happening on Hidra and in Flekkefjord?