Utforsk kategori


i lund

  • Gullbergtua

    Tour with fantastic views in Lund
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  • Gursli & Lilandsgruvene

    Tour to the old Molybdenum mines at Gursli with information signs along the path.
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  • Lund district museum & cultural heritage center

    Lund municipality has a rich and exciting cultural and industrial history, from old homesteads via furniture factories to disused mines in scenic surroundings.
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  • The singing stone at Helleren

    Syngesteinen ligger like ved den karakteristiske steinformasjonen Helleren som er et fredet kulturminne
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  • Tronåsen

    The road over Tronåsen, on the border between Rogaland and Vest-Agder, was completed in 1844 and was the most difficult stretch on the Vestland Highway.
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Book your experience

Some experiences must be booked in advance. Here is a list of the most experiences in the Magma Geopark, which can be pre-booked.

What happens in Magma Geopark?