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Photo: Dalane Friluftsråd

Equipment rental Egersund, Dalane Friluftsråd

Dalane Outdoor Council has a variety of outdoor equipment available for loan and hire. Contact the outdoor council by e-mail if you want to borrow or hire equipment.

Equipment is picked up and delivered at our office: Address Kiss og Leiv Tveits vei 11, Slettebø in Eigersund.

The equipment is rented out on a daily, weekend or weekly basis. The equipment can be reserved and hired by contacting Dalane Friluftsråd by e-mail.

Equipment is not rented out for commercial use.
Payment for hire can be made via Vipps or by invoice sent by post (Invoice fee NOK 50,-)

Visit Equipment hire Egersund, Dalane friluftsråd

Phone: 51 29 30 45

Order ONLY by e-mail to borrow/rent equipment. State what you want to borrow, what period you want to borrow/rent and when you can think of collecting it, (Mon-Fri 08:00-16:00)

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