An exciting and interesting guided tour of this oldest and most beautiful building in the heart of Egersund!
In the center of the city, facing the sea, sits the beautiful Egersund church. People have come here by boat, horse, on foot or in other ways to celebrate religious services and life's great events for more than 800 years. To step into this building is to take a journey back in time and sense the inhabitants` belonging to community and life experiences.
Step inside the church and get to know the history of this unique building. It starts already in the 13th century. The church is mentioned in a papal letter from 1292 as Ecclesia sancte Marie de Eikundasund. At the beginning of the 17th century, the condition of the building was such that it had to be demolished and a new church was built on the same site. Since then, the church has been remodelled, extended and renovated, and therefore has exciting stylistic elements from several eras.
See and hear the story of the beautiful altarpiece from 1607, the baroque pulpit and the richly decorated pew doors. Hear about the king who sold the church to private individuals, about the king who wanted to bring the pew doors to Sweden - and about the Danish ship's crew who presented the church with a beautiful silver jug as a thank you for saving them from distress at sea.
We welcome you to an exciting and interesting walk in this oldest and beautiful signal building in the heart of Egersund!
Book, Egersund, Historic places, cultural
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