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Photo: Magma Geopark

Li farm - DNT cottage

At Li farm you can experience southern coastal culture and stay in the farmhouse on an old farm.

Geology and nature

Li farm is an old farm environment that is built on a hill and overlooks a fantastic panoramic view of the island of Hidra. Li Farm was restored and opened to the public in 2009. Around the historic farm there are several opportunities for outdoor activities. You can hike, paddle, fish or climb using the via ferrata route along the dramatic cliffs next to the sea. A twenty minute walk through a forest brings you to Dåtlandstrand and the harbour. The renovated farmhouses sleep 28, so it's a perfect place for groups to stay in beautiful surroundings in Hidraheia.

Geologien i Flekkefjord kommune representerer kanten av magmakammeret, og rundt Li Gård finner du fire forskjellige typer magmatiske bergarter. De eldste bergartene i Magma Geopark er mer enn 1600 millioner år gamle gneiser. Dypt under jordens overflate ble store mengder magma tvunget i kontakt med gneisiske bergarter for 925 millioner år siden. Magmaen størknet og dannet en ny bergart, anortositt. Anortositt og gneis var i denne perioden lokalisert 20 kilometer under jordas overflate. Etter at anortositten ble dannet, ble to forskjellige slags magma tvunget mellom bergartene; en dannet en lys, grovkornet, feldsparrik stein kalt mangeritt, mens den andre er rikere i mørke mineraler og finkornede bergarter og kalles jotunitt.

Culture and history

It is believed that Li Farm may be over 1,000 years old, but that it was destroyed after the plague in 1349. The farm was probably part of another larger farm, Kleppa, for a longer period. At the beginning of the 17th century, there was a growth in the population of the area and various new farms began to appear. It is assumed that Li Gård also became independent and inhabited again. The first census that gives the population in the Hidra area was in 1801. At that time, 11 people lived on the farm – two adults and nine children. The last residents moved in 1989. Today, the farm is run by Flekkefjord and Oplands Turistforening (FOT).

For overnight guests, it is possible to hire canoes (requires wet card) and equipment for the Via Ferrata (requires climbing experience/steep card). For cabin and equipment rental see ListerBooking.

How to get there?

Follow RV44 towards Abelsnes, and then to Itland. Li farm is accessible on foot from both of these car parks.

Duration: 1-3 hours. Marked paths.

Show consideration:

Parks in the parking lot, and show respect for the private land.
Pay attention to the animals along the route.
Remember to close gates behind you.
Dogs must be on a leash.
Leave only footprints!

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