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Photo: Eduardo Grund

Canoeing and kayaking in Sokndal - Discover idyllic waters and an exciting coastline

Sokndal is a coastal municipality in Rogaland, tempting you with waters and fjords that are perfect for canoeing and kayaking.

From tranquil lakes and idyllic rivers to fjords and beautiful coastline, Sokndal offers something for every taste and skill level. Take a kayak trip down Sokna and out to beautiful Sogndalstrand. Dalane Friluftsråd has plenty of equipment available if you want to hire or borrow. We wish you a great canoeing and kayaking experience in Sokndal!

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Visit Canoe and kayak in Sokndal

Dalane Outdoor Council
Phone: 51 29 30 45

Contact information
Tel. 51470600

Sokndal municipality
Old road 20
4380 Hauge in Dalane

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