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Foto: Dalane Friluftsråd

Equipment rental Moi, Dalane friluftsråd

Dalane friluftsråd has a large amount of outdoor equipment available for loan and hire. Contact the outdoor recreation council by e-mail if you wish to borrow or rent equipment.

Equipment should be ordered no later than two days in advance. Bookings are made ONLY through Dalane Outdoor Council. Same day lending on request.

Reservations should preferably be sent by e-mail: ublund@friluftsrad-dalane.no Mon-Fri 8am-3pm.
Inquiries will only be answered during working hours Mon-Fri 08-15

Besøk Utstyrsleie Moi, Dalane friluftsråd

E-mail: ublund@friluftsrad-dalane.no

Send email to borrow/rent equipment. State what you want to borrow, what period you want to borrow/rent and when you can think of collecting it.

Equipment is picked up and delivered at Moi equipment bank.

Payment for rent can be on the spot or on an invoice sent by post (Invoice fee NOK 50)

Upon delivery, the lessee is responsible for returning all rented equipment cleaned and dried.

The tenant replaces lost/damaged equipment. It is replaced with new equipment, where applicable the cost of repairs is covered by the tenant.

Whoever rents equipment is responsible for the safety of those who use the equipment.

The equipment is rented on a 24-hour, weekend or weekly basis. The maximum rental period is 1 week

Equipment is not rented out for commercial use.

Only people over 18 can borrow/rent equipment.

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